Supernatural Manga "Shadows House" Announces Anime Adaptation
For fans with a taste for the Gothic: Shadows House, a supernatural drama manga by somato tells the story of the mysterious everyday goings-on in a mansion populated by living dolls and shadowy phantoms, is being adapted into an anime.
No further details (such as the cast, crew, format, and release window) have yet to be revealed. More info, including a teaser visual for the anime, will be released with the publication of Issue 48 of the 2020 volume of Shueisha's Weekly Young Jump manga magazine, which hits the Japanese distributors on October 29, 2020. However, a website has been created for the series and updates will be provided via the official manga twitter feed.
Serialized since 2018, the story is set in a mysterious, western-style mansion populated by a clan of "Shadows" who imitate the trappings of human aristocracy. The story follows Emilyko, a living doll, and Kate Shadow, the Shadow whom Emilyko serves.
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